What Kills Sex Drive? 9 Proven Things That Lowers Libido and How to Address Them

What Kills Sex Drive? 9 Proven Things That Lowers Libido and How to Address Them
Various factors can dampen or kill sex drive, including psychological factors, hormonal imbalances, medications, illnesses, fatigue, substance abuse, age-related changes, and cultural influences.

Sex drive, also known as libido, can be influenced by various factors. Understanding what can potentially decrease or kill sex drive is important for individuals and their partners. Here are some common factors that can affect sex drive:

1. Psychological factors

 Mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, and body image concerns, can profoundly impact sex drive. Stress, in particular, can decrease sexual desire by increasing cortisol levels and affecting hormone balance. Relationship problems, communication issues, and unresolved conflicts can also contribute to a decrease in libido. If psychological factors like stress, anxiety, depression, or body image concerns impact your sex drive, therapy or counselling can provide valuable support. A mental health professional can help you explore underlying issues, develop coping strategies, and improve self-esteem.

2. Hormonal imbalances

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating sexual desire. Fluctuations or imbalances in hormone levels can lead to a decrease in sex drive. For example, low testosterone levels (more commonly in males) or estrogen (more commonly in females) can impact libido. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, and menopause can also affect hormone balance and reduce sex drive. If you suspect hormonal imbalances are impacting your libido, consult with a healthcare professional specializing in hormone health. They can evaluate your hormone levels and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments.

3. Medications

 Certain medications, including antidepressants (such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), antipsychotics, blood pressure medications, and hormonal contraceptives, may have side effects that decrease libido. If you believe that medications are affecting your sex drive, consult with your healthcare provider to explore alternative options or dosage adjustments that may have a lesser impact on libido. However, never alter your medication regimen without professional guidance.

4. Chronic illnesses and fatigue

Chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic pain can decrease sexual desire. These conditions often lead to fatigue, physical discomfort, and changes in body image, which can negatively affect libido. Managing chronic illnesses involves working closely with healthcare professionals to develop strategies for symptom management. This may include pain management techniques, lifestyle modifications, or alternative treatment options to improve well-being and restore sex drive.

5. Substance abuse and addiction

Excessive consumption of alcohol, illicit drugs, or even certain prescription medications can negatively impact sex drive. Substance abuse can affect hormone levels, impair sexual function, and decrease sexual desire. If substance abuse impacts your libido, consider seeking help from addiction specialists or support groups. Overcoming addiction can positively impact both physical and mental well-being, potentially restoring sex drive.

6. Age-related factors

 As people age, their sex drive may naturally decrease due to various factors. Hormonal changes, declining physical health, and age-related conditions can contribute to a decrease in libido. However, it's important to note that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and open communication with a partner can help mitigate age-related changes in sex drive.

7. Lack of sleep and fatigue

Sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue can have a significant impact on sexual desire. Lack of sleep affects hormone production and can lead to increased stress and decreased energy levels, which can negatively affect libido. Prioritize self-care and find healthy outlets to reduce stress levels, allowing your mind and body to relax and promoting a healthier sex drive.

8. Lifestyle factors

Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, excessive work hours, and lack of self-care, can decrease sex drive. Lack of exercise, for instance, can lead to decreased blood flow and lower energy levels, affecting sexual desire. Incorporate regular exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and prioritize quality sleep. These lifestyle factors can boost energy levels, enhance well-being, and positively influence sex drive.

9. Personal beliefs and cultural factors

Individual beliefs, cultural norms, and religious upbringing can influence a person's attitude towards sex. Negative or restrictive beliefs about sex can create guilt, shame, or anxiety, dampening sexual desire. Examine and challenge any negative beliefs or cultural factors impacting your attitude towards sex. Seek resources, educational materials, or therapy to help you develop a healthier and more positive mindset around sexuality.


Various factors can dampen or kill sex drive, including psychological factors, hormonal imbalances, medications, illnesses, fatigue, substance abuse, age-related changes, and cultural influences. However, there is hope for reigniting passion and revitalizing your sex drive. It starts with self-awareness, self-care, and open communication with your partner. Exploring sensuality, embracing variety, managing stress, and seeking professional help when needed are additional strategies to reignite passion. By embarking on this personal and transformative journey, you can rediscover desire, foster deeper connections, and experience a more vibrant and fulfilling sexual life.