Bad Foods for Sex: 10 Food Items and Drinks that Lowers your Sex Drive.

1. Alcohol


Alcohol can hinder your sexual performance and cause fatigue. Even just a glass of wine or beer can make you feel sluggish due to an increase in melatonin levels, which is also called the sleep hormone. It can also cause erectile difficulties, prevent orgasms, and increase your partner's risk of premature ejaculation.

2. Coffee


Too much coffee can raise your cortisol levels, which is known as the stress hormone. This can make it more difficult for your body to relax and lower your libido.

3. Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like tonic water and sodas can cause belching, which is not ideal during a romantic night. If you are sensitive to carbonation, it's best to avoid them.

4. Soy


While testosterone increases sex drive for both men and women, consuming excessive amounts of soy can cause a hormonal imbalance. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who consume 120 milligrams or more of soy per day experienced a significant decrease in testosterone levels.

5. Peppermint Gum

Peppermint Gum

Mint is great for kissing but can dampen your desire and energy for a quick romp. Chewing peppermint gum can make things worse because it tends to make you swallow air, leading to more gas.

6. Cheese


Cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, and cottage cheese are high in lactose and can cause discomfort in your stomach. To ensure a satisfying night, skip the cheesy pizzas, pastas, or burgers.

7. Beans


While beans may be a favourite food for some, it's best to avoid them before lovemaking. Beans contain sugar molecules that are difficult to digest, and when it reaches your colon, it produces a lot of gas. Avoid farting all night by skipping burrito bowls and hummus before the main event.

8. Raw Onions and Garlic.

Raw Onions and Garlic.

Onions and garlic not only give you bad breath, but they can also alter the odour of your secretions. Avoid pungent foods like caramelised onions or garlic chutney before sex to ensure a pleasant experience.

9. Highly Processed food

Highly Processed food

Eating highly processed food like fries can leave you feeling sluggish by reducing your blood sugar levels. To spice up your sex life, avoid highly processed greasy foods. Opt for lighter options instead.

10. Desserts


Satisfying your sweet tooth may not be the best idea before sex. Desserts are often loaded with trans fats and sugar, which can prevent you from reaching orgasm. Additionally, the sweetness can increase insulin levels in your body, which is not ideal in the bedroom.