Caring for the cancer patient: 7 Survival tips during cancer treatment.

Caring for the cancer patient: 7 Survival tips during cancer treatment.


hemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer can be physically and mentally demanding. Although each patient's response to treatment is unique, we have compiled some general tips that will help you pull through much more easily:

1.      Get plenty of rest and sleep. Cancer treatments can take a lot out of you, so giving your body the time it needs to recover is essential. Refrain from fretting over the condition of your house, the undone laundry, or the unwashed utensils. Just rest! It is perfectly okay to reach out for help if the chores can't wait. Ask your family or friends so that you can rest your body. Always take breaks when you feel overwhelmed or exhausted. A few minutes to yourself will help you relax and rejuvenate.

2.      Connect with loved ones and friends. Social support is crucial during tough times like these – Lean on your loved ones for emotional strength and relief. Build that support network; you will be overwhelmed if you try to work out things on your own.

3.      Always find someone to share your feelings with. A cancer diagnosis comes with many emotions and new hurdles to overcome. Seeking help from a psychologist or a social worker will help you address and manage your feelings more easily. It can also link you up with other patients undergoing cancer treatments.

4.        Eat healthy foods and stay hydrated. Eating nutritious foods will help keep your energy levels up while staying hydrated will help reduce fatigue and other side effects.

5.       Exercise regularly. Exercise helps improve circulation and increase endorphins, boosting mood and energy levels.

6.      Always fact-check the information you get from the internet with your healthcare provider. A lot of information exists on the internet. We should take precautions regarding which information to trust, as some can be misleading.

7.      You are your body's advocate. You understand it better than anybody else. If you feel that something does not feel right, do not refrain from speaking up. That feeling can be a lifesaver. 

Please read our article on the common side effects of cancer treatments.