How to use garlic to cure premature ejaculation.

How to use garlic to cure premature ejaculation.
Garlic contains the amino acid allicin, which has a variety of health benefits.

For centuries, garlic has been touted as a powerful health booster, and for good reason. Packed with essential compounds such as vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes, garlic has numerous health benefits. One of the key components responsible for its potent effects is the amino acid allicin, which also gives garlic its distinct sulfur-like odor.Interestingly, garlic has also been known to enhance libido and sexual health. 

Ancient civilizations recognized its potential and used it in various remedies to improve and heal sexuality. Consuming raw garlic cloves is the most effective way to normalize blood flow, especially towards the penis, which can help with premature ejaculation. Despite its infamous bad breath side-effect, garlic is not only great for vitality but also fosters overall good health.

Garlic and Premature Ejaculation

If you're looking to cure premature ejaculation, garlic is a superfood that can be highly effective. In our previous article titled "What foods prevent early ejaculation", we mentioned garlic as one of the superfoods. So how can you incorporate garlic into your diet for optimal sexual health? Here's how to consume it to reap its maximum benefits.

1.      Raw garlic cloves: Simply crush or chop a few cloves and add them to your meals, such as salads, soups, or pasta dishes. It's recommended to start with three to four cloves daily and then reduce it to three times a week after a month. Raw garlic can be pungent, though, so be aware that it may cause bad breath or digestive discomfort.

2.      Garlic supplements: These are readily available in capsules, tablets, or extracts. They provide a concentrated dose of garlic's active compounds, such as allicin and alliin, which have potential health benefits. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, as they may interact with other medications or have unwanted side effects.

3.      Garlic oil :It is a great alternative if you enjoy the flavor of garlic but don't want to deal with the pungency of raw cloves.You can make it by crushing garlic cloves and infusing them in a carrier oil, such as olive oil. This allows you to enjoy the potential benefits of garlic without the strong taste and smell.

Why Garlic is good for overall health

Garlic is a superfood that not only adds flavour to your meals but also provides a range of health benefits. Here are some reasons why you should incorporate garlic into your diet:

1. Antioxidant powerhouse: Garlic has been shown to naturally boost your body's supply of hydrogen sulfide, which acts as an antioxidant. This helps to relax your blood vessels, promote cardiovascular health, and protect your heart muscles from damage.

2. Cholesterol-lowering hero: Studies have proven that garlic can lower cholesterol levels, specifically LDL and triglycerides, by up to 9 to 12 per cent.

3. Natural antibiotic: Garlic is a potent antibacterial and anti-fungal agent that can eliminate harmful bacteria without harming good bacteria. Its allicin content also contributes to its anti-fungal properties.

4. Heart-healthy blood thinner: Garlic has blood-thinning properties that make it an excellent defence against heart attacks, blood clots, and stroke.

5. Immune system booster: Garlic has powerful antiviral properties and is particularly effective against the common cold. Eating garlic can help reduce the length and frequency of colds.

6. Reduced risk of atherosclerosis: Garlic's blood-thinning properties can also lower the risk of atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries.

7. Blood pressure regulation: Garlic has been used as a natural remedy for hypertension for generations, and is especially popular in China and Japan. Its active compounds help to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow, resulting in lower blood pressure levels.

8. Cancer prevention: Raw garlic has been shown to help protect against several types of cancer, including stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast cancers. Its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties work together to keep cells healthy and prevent the growth of cancerous cells.

9. Diabetes management: Garlic oil has been found to be effective in protecting diabetic patients from a variety of complications, including kidney problems, nervous system issues, heart disorders, and poor eyesight. Its ability to regulate blood sugar levels makes it an excellent addition to any diabetic diet.

10. Eye health: Garlic is rich in important nutrients like selenium, quercetin, and vitamin C, which all work together to promote healthy eyes and prevent infections and swelling. By incorporating more garlic into your diet, you can give your eyes the support they need to stay healthy.

11. Earache relief: Garlic's powerful antiviral, antifungal, and antibiotic properties make it a popular choice for treating earaches. Mix its juice with olive oil and let it sit for a few days at room temperature to create your own homemade garlic oil.

12. Digestive health: Garlic is highly effective at treating a range of intestinal problems, from dysentery and diarrhea to colitis. It's also great at dispelling worms and other parasites from the body. By harnessing the power of garlic, you can give your digestive system the support it needs to function optimally.

How to make Garlic Tea

1.      Add 2 or 3 grated garlic cloves to a cup of water

2.      Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. Squeeze in some lemon juice and add some honey, if needed.

3.      Strain the tea and drink it.


Overall, garlic is a versatile and potent natural remedy that can help improve health in a variety of ways. Whether you're looking to boost your sexual virility, lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, manage diabetes, or support your eyes and digestive system, garlic is an excellent choice. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?