7 Interesting facts about newborns.

7 Interesting facts about newborns.


1. Did you know that newborns` breasts leak milk?

Newborns, both boys and girls, have small breasts, which may leak milk due to the newborn absorbing estrogen hormone from their mother before birth. Some baby girls may also experience mini periods, which may last for a few days, then disappears. (no cause for alarm though it is normal for this to occur).


2. Newborns' first poop does not stink

The first poop of newborns is black and sticky in color because it contains fluids from the womb, mucus, and anything else digested inside the mum. The poop does not smell because there are no intestinal bacteria that make poop stink. Once the newborn begins to breastfeed, their poop turns to either yellow, green, or brown, and the odor starts.


3. Newborn boys get erections

Erections usually occur just before they pee. The same erection may also be seen on an ultrasound before the baby is born. Their penis may also look large at birth because of swelling during delivery.


4. They cry without tears

When newborns are born, they usually cry but no tears until when they are about a month old. Some babies are more fond of crying for no apparent reason than others.


5. Newborns have got taste buds

A newborn baby can taste anything sweet, sour, or bitter, but not salty. They start tasting salty foods at five months old. Isn't it interesting how babies like the same food eaten by their mother during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?



6. Newborns sleep facing right

A large percentage of newborns sleep on their backs while facing right


7. Newborns stop breathing

Sometimes when the baby is sleeping, they may stop breathing for around five to ten seconds. On the flip side, newborns may take more than 60 breaths in 60 seconds when excited or after crying.